Environmental Health Indicators
Ngā Tūtohu Taiao
About the indicators
Air quality
Alcohol-related harm
Border health
Climate change
Hazardous substances
Indoor environment
Māori health
Population vulnerability
UV exposure
Social vulnerability
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Environmental Health Indicators
About the indicators
What are Environmental Health Indicators?
What is environmental health?
Annual findings
Indicator list
Air quality
Alcohol-related harm
Border health
Climate change
Hazardous substances
Indoor environment
Māori health
Population vulnerability
UV exposure
Indicator list
Air quality
Average age of vehicle fleet
Estimated number of of cardiac and respiratory hospital admissions associated with air pollution
Estimated number of premature deaths associated with air pollution
Estimated number of restricted activity days associated with air pollution
Main types of heating used to heat dwellings
Monitoring sites exceeding the national environmental standard (24-hour average) for PM10
Monitoring sites exceeding the national environmental standard (eight-hour rolling average) for carbon monoxide
Monitoring sites exceeding the national environmental standard (one-hour average) for nitrogen dioxide
Monitoring sites exceeding the national environmental standard (one-hour average) for sulphur dioxide
Monitoring sites exceeding the WHO annual average guideline for nitrogen dioxide
Monitoring sites exceeding the WHO annual average guideline for PM10
Monitoring sites exceeding the WHO annual average guideline for PM2.5
Monitoring sites exceeding the WHO daily guideline for PM2.5
Monitoring sites exceeding the WHO daily guideline for sulphur dioxide
Monitoring sites exceeding the WHO one-hour average guideline for carbon monoxide
Number of motor vehicle registrations, by vehicle type and fuel type
Number of motor vehicles in the fleet, by vehicle type and fuel type
Alcohol-related harm
Alcohol outlet licence density
Alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes
Hazardous drinking
Heavy episodic drinking
Hospitalisations wholly attributable to alcohol
Injury outcomes of alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes
Mortality wholly attributable to alcohol
Border health
Countries and territories with reported cases of Public Health Emergencies of International Concern
Countries and territories with reported cases of respiratory diseases of particular concern
Exotic diseases of concern to New Zealand
Number of exotic mosquito species established In New Zealand
Number of high-risk insects caught at New Zealand’s border (by species, country of origin and mode of transport)
Number of mosquito-borne disease cases reported in New Zealand
Number of Public Health Emergencies of International Concern cases and respiratorty diseases of priority concern cases reported in New Zealand
Pacific Island countries and territories with reported cases of mosquito-borne diseases
Child Health
Active transport to and from school
Asthma hospitalisations in children aged 0–14 years
Asthma prevalence in children aged 2–14 years
Lower respiratory tract infection hospitalisations in children aged 0–4 years
Maternal smoking at two weeks postnatal
Mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth of children, by fluoridation status
Meningococcal disease notifications in children aged 0–14 years
Percentage of children (5-year-olds and Year 8) who are caries-free, by fluoridation status
Percentage of children aged 0–14 years living in crowded households
Percentage of children exposed to second-hand smoke in their home
Road traffic injuries (children aged 0-14 years)
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)
Unmet need for GP services due to a lack of transport
Climate change
Annual average amount of rainfall
Children aged 0-4 years
Leptospirosis notifications
Notifications of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis
Notifications of salmonellosis and campylobacter
Number of days below 0°C
Number of days over 25°C
Number of days with extreme rainfall
Number of days with soil moisture deficit
NZ Index of Deprivation
Older adults aged over 85+
People working in primary industries
Total energy consumed, by fuel type and sector
Vulnerability to climate change
Drinking-water quality
Annual number of boiled water notices
Mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth of children, by fluoridation status
Notifications of campylobacteriosis, cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis with untreated water as a risk factor
Percentage of children (5-year-olds and Year 8) who are caries-free, by fluoridation status
Population with access to bacteriologically compliant drinking-water
Population with access to chemically compliant drinking-water
Population with access to fluoridated drinking-water
Population with access to protozoally compliant drinking-water
Hazardous substances
Deaths due to hazardous substances exposures registered in New Zealand
Deaths due to hazardous substances exposures reported to the coroner in New Zealand
Hazardous substances notifications
Hospitalisations due to unintentional hazardous substances exposures
Non-occupational/unknown source lead absorption notifications
Occupational lead absorption notifications
Unintentional hazardous substances exposure in children (0-14 years); calls to the National Poison Centre
Indoor environment
Asthma hospitalisations in children aged 0–14 years
Asthma prevalence in children aged 2–14 years
Lower respiratory tract infection hospitalisations in children aged 0–4 years
Maternal smoking at two weeks postnatal
Meningococcal disease notifications in children aged 0–14 years
Percentage of children aged 0–14 years living in crowded households
Percentage of children and non-smoking adults exposed to second-hand smoke in their home
Percentage of children exposed to second-hand smoke in their home
Percentage of the population living in crowded households
Proportion of dwellings with no heating source
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)
Māori Health
Asthma hospitalisations in children aged 0–14 years
Asthma prevalence in children aged 2–14 years
Maternal smoking at two weeks postnatal
Percentage of children and non-smoking adults exposed to second-hand smoke in their home
Road traffic injury hospitalisations in New Zealand
Road traffic injury mortality in New Zealand
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI)
Vulnerability to climate change
Population vulnerability
Age and environmental health
Children aged 0-4 years
Chronic health conditions, disability and susceptability to environmental hazards
Ethnicity and environmental health
NZ Index of Deprivation
Older adults aged over 85+
People working in primary industries
Population size, density, and change
Social vulnerability indicators for natural hazards
Socioeconomic deprivation and environmental health
Urban-rural populations and exposure to environmental hazards
Vulnerability to climate change
Recreational water
Agricultural land use
Faecal indicator bacteria at recreational bathing sites
Notifications of campylobacteriosis, cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis (excluding cases who were overseas during incubation period)
Notifications of campylobacteriosis, cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis with recreational water as a risk factor
Number and density of livestock in New Zealand, by type
Active transport to and from school
Average age of vehicle fleet
Commuting time by mode of transport
Household travel time by mode of transport
Main mode of transport to work on Census day
Number of motor vehicle registrations, by vehicle type and fuel type
Number of motor vehicles in the fleet, by vehicle type and fuel type
Road traffic injuries (children aged 0-14 years)
Road traffic injury hospitalisations in New Zealand
Road traffic injury mortality in New Zealand
Unmet need for GP services due to a lack of transport
UV exposure
Number of melanoma cancer deaths
Number of melanoma cancer registrations
Number of non-melanoma skin cancer deaths
Proportion of adults who have vitamin D deficiency
UV levels
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