Reports and publications
On this page, you can access the research project outputs from the social vulnerability indicator project and work programme.
On this page:
National report on social vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related hazards
We published the report 'Social vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related hazards in Aotearoa New Zealand' in August 2024. This report presents results for individual social vulnerability indicators for New Zealand, including changes over time, maps by territorial authority, and differences by key population groups where possible. The social vulnerability indicators mostly draw on 2013 and 2018 Census data.
Download report: Social vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related hazards in Aotearoa New Zealand (pdf, 9.54 MB) (Aug 2024)
Download appendix: Heatmap of social vulnerability indicator data (at the territorial authority level) (pdf, 397 KB) (Aug 2024)
This report was commissioned by the Climate Change Commission, and informed their first national adaptation plan progress report. View the Climate Change Commission's report.
Indicator data and data visualisations
To explore the latest indicator data, see the Social vulnerability indicators for 2018 webpage. On this page, you can explore the online map of social vulnerability indicators for 2018, and explore the 2018 indicator datasets.
For earlier data from 2013, see the Social vulnerability indicators for 2013 webpage.
Journal article
Mason K, Lindberg K, Haenfling C, Schori A, Marsters H, Read D, Borman B. Social Vulnerability Indicators for Flooding in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(8):3952.
Research reports and user guides
The following research reports and user guides were published as part of the funded research project for developing the 2013 social vulnerability indicators for flooding.
Research report (pdf, 3.6MB) (Oct 2019): This report presents the methodology and rationale used to develop the 2013 social vulnerability indicators for flooding.
Toolkit for users (pdf, 1.4MB) (Oct 2019): This toolkit provides information on how to access and use the 2013 social vulnerability indicators for flooding.
Rationale, indicators and potential uses report (pdf, 981KB) (Oct 2019): This document provides information about the potential uses of 2013 social vulnerability indicators for flooding, as a reference document for end-users.
Incorporating social vulnerability into land use planning
As part of the research project, we identified ways of including social vulnerability into land use planning and local government, including District Plans. The following report is available:
Incorporating vulnerability into land use planning (pdf, 1.5MB) (Oct 2019): This report identifies ways of including social vulnerability into local government processes, including land use planning, Annual Plans and Long Term Plans. A case study of Porirua City Council is included, to give an example of how to include vulnerability into a District Plan. This report was authored by James Beban and Sarah Gunnell (Urban Edge Planning Ltd), as part of the social vulnerability indicators for flooding project.
The social vulnerability indicators are also available in RiskScape, which is a risk modelling software developed by NIWA and GNS Science ( RiskScape is an open-access tool that lets users assess risk from natural hazards to buildings, infrastructure and people.
If you are interested in using the social vulnerability indicators as part of some RiskScape analysis, please contact Ben Popovich ( or Kristie-Lee Thomas (
For more information
If you would like more information about this project, contact Kylie Mason ( or the EHI team (