We have just updated our surveillance report on the main mode of transport to work using data from the 2023 Census.
We have just updated two of our surveillance reports in the Transport domain using data from the 2023/24 NZ Health Survey.
We have just updated the surveillance report on high-risk insects caught at our border by New Zealand's mosquito surveillance programme.
Here are the key findings from our latest surveillance report on Overseas Infectious Diseases of priority concern.
We have updated our 'Road transport injury mortality' surveillance report. Rates of road traffic injury deaths show strong inequalities.
Our non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) mortality surveillance report has just been published. The 2019 NMSC mortality rate for men was 2. 5 per 100,000, compared to 0.
We have just published an update to our Melanoma Mortality surveillance report.
We have recently published an update to our 'Maternal Smoking at two weeks postnatal' surveillance report. Maternal smoking rates at two weeks postnatal have decreased from 13.
We have just updated our ‘Active transport to and from school’ surveillance report. In 2022/23, 39.
We've updated our surveillance report on melanoma registrations with 2022 data. In 2022, there were 3,116 registrations of melanoma in New Zealand. The age-standardised melanoma registration rate was 37.
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