Motor vehicles
This section provides the latest statistics on vehicle numbers and the average age of vehicles in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The use of motor vehicles can impact human health through air pollution, crashes and accidents, climate change as well as through noise. In particular, motor vehicle emissions produced through the combustion of petrol and diesel affect outdoor air quality and human health (Kuschel et al 2022).
Diesel-powered vehicles and vehicles which are older or poorly maintained tend to produce more emissions. Recent evidence also shows that diesel engine fumes can cause lung cancer (IARC 2023).
On this page:
Vehicle numbers and average age
Source: Ministry of Transport – The New Zealand Vehicle Fleet Annual Statistics and Monthly electric and hybrid light vehicle registrations/tables
Definition: Number and average age (years) of vehicles in the New Zealand vehicle fleet. Six categories of vehicles are used:
- light passenger vehicles (passenger cars and vans)
- light commercial vehicles (which includes the following if under 3,500 kg: goods vans, trucks, utilities, buses and motor caravans)
- trucks (including the following if over 3,500 kg: goods vans, trucks, utilities and motor caravans)
- buses (only those over 3,500 kg, with lighter examples classed as 'light commercial vehicles')
- motorcycles (including mopeds)
- electric vehicles (including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles).