Here are the key findings from our Meningococcal disease notifications in children (0–14 years) surveillance report. The number of meningococcal notifications declined from 42 (4.
We have updated the non-occupational and occupational lead notification surveillance reports.
EHINZ has just released the major findings from our 2023-24 surveillance of NZ’s environmental health.
Here are the key findings from our Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) surveillance report: 46 babies died from SUDI in 2019, up from 37 deaths the previous year.
Here are the key findings from our Meningococcal disease notifications in children (0–14 years) surveillance report. The rate of meningococcal notifications increased slightly from 1.
We have published the latest results from our Asthma surveillance report.
We have published the latest results from our Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI) surveillance report.
We have recently published the latest results from our Asthma hospitalisation factsheet. Here are the main findings.
We have recently published the latest results from our Maternal smoking at two weeks postnatal factsheet. Here are the main findings.
Here are some of the key facts from our latest factsheet on Meningococcal disease notifications in children aged 0-4 years.
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