Meningococcal disease

Surveillance Reports and Metadata

Surveillance Report: Meningococcal disease notifications (0–14 years) (Mar 2025) Download report PDF
Metadata: Meningococcal disease notifications Download report PDF

Household crowding and second-hand smoke exposure increase the risk of meningococcal disease

Meningococcal disease is a serious infection which can cause meningitis (an infection of membranes that covers the brain), septicaemia (blood poisoning), and even death. Household crowding increases the risk of meningococcal disease, particularly in those aged 0–16 years [1]. Second-hand smoke exposure is also associated with an increased risk of meningococcal disease in children [2,3].


Meningococcal disease notifications halved in 2023

Meningococcal disease notifications among children aged 0–14 years have declined from 42 notifications (4.4 per 100,000) in 2022 to 21 notifications (2.2 per 100,000) in 2023. This decrease has been driven by a drop in the number of notifications among children under five years.

 Figure 1: Number of meningococcal disease notifications in children aged 0–14 years, 2001–2023 


Information about this data

Meningococcal disease notifications

Source: EpiSurv notifications surveillance database, ESR.

Definition: Notifications of meningococcal disease in children aged 0–14 years. Notifications only cover those people who visited a GP or received hospital treatment, and therefore may underestimate the true rate of disease in the population.

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