Less than half of all children use active transport to travel to or from school

We’ve updated our ‘Active transport to and from school’ factsheet with the latest statistics on school-aged children (5–14 years) who usually used active transport (such as walking or cycling) to travel to and from school.

Here are the key findings:

  • In 2021/22, less than half of all children (43.5%) used active transport to travel to or from school.
  • There has been no notable change in the percentage of children using active transport to school since 2006/07.
  • In general, older children (aged 10–14 years) were more likely to participate in active travel than younger children (5-9 years).
  • There was no difference in the use of active transport between ethnic or socioeconomic deprivation groups.
  • Nelson Marlborough was the only district where the share of children using active transport to commute to school was markedly greater than 50% between 2017–20.

Read the full factsheet here.